
It’s our BEST float YET(i)! 2015 Dorchester Day Parade

#WickedWhiteOUT takes Dorchester by STORM! Playing off of Boston Pride's #WickedProud theme emphasizing pride and social media, DotOUT Float Committee members chose this year's float theme, #WickedWhiteOUT—a totally Dorchester tongue-in-cheek homage to the past winter's

Summer BBQ Soothes Spirits and Raises Money

The year 2015 is going down for epic-ness: epic snowfall, epic Dorchester Day Parade! After a leisurely five hour stroll down Dot Ave celebrating all things Dot-tastic, DotOUT members, determined parade goers and Energizer Bunny

We’ve Got Spirit (and Chili)

And, we've got the trophy to prove it! Our second foray in the Dorchester Chili Cook-off was not only a blast, BUT we also won "Team Spirit!" Thanks to some creative costuming by DotOUT el

Special Thanks from Boston City Singers

Awwww! The supertalented young folks at Boston City Singers sent us their thanks for our recent donation of $250 for their group. Our privilege to be able to support the many talented youths in our


As long as poverty, injustice & inequality persist, none of us can truly rest. It doesn’t take much to change a life, Get in touch today and start making the difference.

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