Goal and Purpose of Social Media for DotOUT
DotOUT will use its social media channels (currently Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) to further its mission statement by working with our neighbors and friends in an ongoing effort to improve the quality of life in Dorchester by continuing to build bridges to Dorchester’s many communities.
To accomplish this goal, DotOUT will:
Show our support for our sponsors and their contributions to Dorchester
Promote responsible, inclusive and compassionate citizenship in our neighborhoods and city of Boston
Promote local LGBT groups and organizations who share our mission
Follow social media leaders, commentators and individuals who engage in inclusive dialogue that supports the LGBT and/or Dorchester communities
Follow groups and organizations whose services enhance and support inclusive LGBT and/or Dorchester communities.
Politics, Politicians and Political Thoughts
Adhering to the organization’s by-laws, DotOUT’s social media channels shall maintain a non-partisan atmosphere and will encourage thoughtful, considerate dialogue that is supportive of our LGBT community.
DotOUT follows/befriends candidates and current politicos when asked by the candidate. DotOUT will not “like” or use similar future categories which may imply an endorsement when none is intended.
DotOUT will follow elected officials whose district serves Dorchester.
DotOUT will not use social media channels to actively campaign for political candidates and will strive for a fair and balanced coverage and discussion with all candidates.
DotOUT may use social media channels to promote activities for political candidates the membership has endorsed.
- DotOUT may use social media channels to comment on politicians whose activities support DotOUT’s mission and values.
Last update June 10th 2020